
The civil non-profit society Nomos+Physis runs a site which specializes in the fields of law, institutions and policy for environmental protection and sustainable development. Its mission is to contribute to the development of environmental law and to raise public awareness regarding the legal and institutional aspects of environmental protection and sustainable development.

Nomos+Physis in its capacity as an N.G.O. and within the above mentioned framework until 2007 and:

–undertook national and E. Community projects in various sectors of environmental law and sustainable development, often in collaboration with governmental and academic institutions, and environmental non – governmental organizations;

–worked in the field of development cooperation, especially as regards transfer of institutional know-how and, in this context, it is officially enrolled in the Non-Governmental Organizations Register of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

–undertook the elaboration of draft Presidential Decrees and Ministerial Decisions necessary for the harmonization to the Community environmental law; it also undertakes the preparation of draft legal acts concerning the management bodies and plans of protected areas;

–undertook the assessment the application of national and Community environmental legislation, as well as the compliance of Greece with international environmental conventions;

–elaborated policy papers on environmental practices and on the use economic instruments both in the public and the private sector;

–organized conferences and seminars on environmental law issues with the aim to sensitize the scientific community and the civil society involved in environmental matters;

–organized training seminars for the justice and the administration on the interpretation and implementation of national, E. Community and international environmental law;

–published the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Law Quarterly “Nomos+Physis” as well as the “Environmental Law Series”, a collection of studies on current environmental protection and sustainable development issues.

“Nomos+Physis” was partner of the ECNC Network (European Center for Nature Conservation).

Who we are

Founder:  George Papadimitirou, Professor of Constitutional Law

Scientific responsible: Κ. Μenoudakos,  Honorary  President, Council of State

Scientific Board

Κ. Μenoudakos,  Honorary  President, Council of State
K. Gogos, Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Attorney at Law

Scientific Support Team

A. Alefanti, Councilor, Legal Council of State
K. Vardakastanis, Associate Councilor, Legal Council of State
D. Vasiliadis, Associate Councilor Council of State
A. Vlantou, Architect, Urban and Spatial Planner
S. Vlahopoulos, Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
G. Giannakourou, Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
K. Gogos, Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Attorney at Law
P. Dimitrakopoulos, Professor, Aegean University
L. Kiousopoulou, Attorney at Law
E. Koutoupa, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
I. Mathioudakis, Lecturer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
A. Maria, Associate Professor, University of Crete – Attorney at Law
N. Milionis, Vice President, Court of Audit – Member, of the European Court of Auditors – Assistant Professor, Panteion University
N. Nikolakis, Auditor, Council of State
O. Papadopoulou, Dr at Law, Councilor, Council of State
E. Sakelaropoulou, Vice President, Council of State
Th. Xiros, Dr at Law- Attorney at Law
P. Panayotopoulos, Member of the Legal Department of the European Commission
N. Rozos, Dr at Law, Honorary Vice President, Council of State
A. Fovakis, Auditor, Council of State
G. Hasiotis, Attorney at Law, WWF Hellas

Editorial Team

A. Papadimitriou-Tsatsou, Attorney at Law
M. Asimakopoulou, Attorney at Law
G. Karipsiadis, Dr at Law, Special Legal Department – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
M. Florou, Attorney at Law

Fields of Activity

Environmental Forum

  • Sustainable water management, Athens 2005
  • Genetically modified organisms and sustainable development, Athens 2004
  • Waste Management, Athens 2003
  • Economic instruments for sustainable development, Athens 2003
  • Access to Environmental Information and Public Participation in Decision-making, Athens 2002
  • International law for combating climate change. 10 years after the Rio Conference, Athens 2002


  • Strategic Environmental Assessment, Athens 2004
  • The Revised Article 24 of the Hellenic Constitution, Athens 2002
  • Transfer of development rights, Athens 1995


  • Protection of national forests, Monodendri 2000
  • Protection of national marine parks, Alonnissos 1999
  • Protection of wetlands in Greece, Alexandroupolis 1998
  • Integration of European Community environmental law
    in the Hellenic legal system, Delphi 1993 

Other Events

  • Presentation of the e-review “Nomos+Physis”, Thessaloniki Bar Association, September 2004
  • Presentation of the e-review “Nomos+Physis”, Legal Council of State, Athens, May 2004
  • Official launching of the e-review “Nomos+Physis”, Old University, Plaka, Athens, June 2003 


  • Management and sustainable development of protected transitional waters [Cooperation between Italy, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania], 2004-onwards
  • Hellenic-Turkish cooperation on the strengthening of protection and management of wetland-resources (International conventions and the EC Directive 2000/60), 2003-onwards
  • Hellenic-Serbian cooperation on environmental institution building, 2003-2005
  • Developing the capacity of environmental NGOs through transfer of best practice from NGOs in the EU15, 2003-2004
  • Combating infectious diseases: legal, institutional and administrative aspects, 2003-2004
  • Hellenic-Romanian cooperation on environmental impact assessment in a sub-regional context, 2002-2003
  • Hellenic-Bulgarian Cooperation for integrated protection and use of transboundary watercourses. The EC Directive 2000/60, 2002-2003
  • Hellenic-Bulgarian cooperation on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context, 2001
  • Cooperation of Four Southeastern European countries on environmental information and transboundary collaboration, 2001
  • Hellenic-Bulgarian Seminar on environmental law, 2000
  • Network of European Environmental Law Reviews, 2000


  • Protection from infectious diseases: international, European and national provisions, 2004
  • Digital Publication of Nomos+Physis ‘Hellenic-Bulgarian Cooperation on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses. The EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60’, II 2004
  • Digital Publication of Nomos+Physis ‘Hellenic-Romanian Cooperation on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context’, I 2004
  • Nomos + Physis Website, 2003- onwards
  • Environmental Law Series, 1996-2004
  • The Implementation of the Espoo Convention. A Hellenic Approach, 2002
  • Law and Nature, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Law Quarterly, 1994-2001