Management and sustainable development of protected transitional waters[Cooperation between Italy, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania]
Lecce-Athens, 01/02/2004
Saturday 1 May 2004
The project takes place within the framework of INTERREG III B CADSES. Scientists and members of the environmental administration from five countries (Italy, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania) participate in it. Its aim is to improve and reinforce conservation of natural heritage in protected transitional aquatic ecosystems. In particular, “Nomos + Physis” carries out the specific action concerning the institutional framework for the protection and sustainable management of transitional waters, according to respective Community directives, international conventions and national regulations. The action leads to the drafting of a report containing a comparative analysis of environmental legislation for transitional waters in partner countries as well as proposals for the enhancement of national legislation and its harmonization with the acquis communautaire. The project is financed by the European Commission, the European Regional Development Fund. Analytical information on the project can be found in the website .